Plumbob Pet Parlour

The Plumbob Pet Parlour, located at the Plumbob Pet Hotel, offers the best pet grooming facilities in town! Photos and download link below. #NoCC

Our elegant suite of wash rooms and grooming rooms are equipped with thermostats for temperature control to ensure maximum comfort for your pet. Our caring staff are trained to deal with different breeds and temperaments (including anxious pets). Our groomers have an in-depth understanding of breed specific grooming requirements, giving you peace of mind that your pet will get the correct cut or brush. We also offer a wide range of organic, pet safe shampoos and products.

Download it here. Please enable the following before placing the build, in order for build/buy objects to display correctly: #MOO #Debug #ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement (for career items). The build also makes use of #ResizeObjects #LevitateObjects

Click on the photos to enlarge / view the slideshow.

Waiting area:

Wash rooms:

Grooming rooms:

Pet shampoos and products available for sale:

We play soothing music and have a selection of pet treats to ensure your pet has a pleasant experience:

Our staff in action:

Our premises are equipped with state of the art washers, dryers and robot vacuum cleaners to ensure a hygienic environment at all times.


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